Education (Inclusive Quality Education) centre: – As per the GSS’s concept the character of programs is to promote children’s rights especially right to education through collective initiatives and efforts of community, stakeholders and government from ensuring the same in family, school and village. The thematic are is ensuring right to education by creating child friendly environment in school too. GSS has sectoial intervention for education in the manner of promoting co-curricular activities to make school interesting and ensuring child friendly classroom practices and safe and friendly infrastructure of school. However in regard of traditional work on education, it somehow never been the priority of GSS’s concept on working on education. In respect of education the conceptual thing is to promote and develop child friendly and safe environment in school through ensuring community participation and behavioral changes in primary duty bearers, parents and children itself and child friendly physical development of school too. That’s it GSS is doing in manner of strengthening of SDMC/SMC, PTA, teacher’s trainings on behavioral development, promoting accountabilities of PRI members towards school and children, strengthening CC and promotion of co-curricular activities in school etc., encompassing child protection in all.
This effort was made towards proper maintenance of records of girls (9-14yrs) who are enrolled in our schools. At present there are 540 girls enrolled in 13 schools running in the areas. Files containing information about their status when they joined the school and status of girls when they left was ensured. Many girls are forced to discontinue their education because of marriage. Efforts were also made by teachers with support of staff to educate the parents of girls into stopping early marriages that is very prevalent in this area.
Formation and strengthening SDMC:- GSS in it’s working area schools has facilitated SDMC/SMC formation process and latter organized capacity building programs including training on role, responsibilities and rights, child rights, routine visioning through regularizing meetings and facilitation in decision making process etc. The objective of formation and strengthening was to ensure meaningful community participation in school development and management. For this activity, we have started our intervention with formed and defunct SDMC members, parents, Village Development Committees formed by GSS, village community and school simultaneously. Initially we started orientation of SDMC and VDC members as well as community on the role and rights in school management. It was the more potential focal point due to frustration and unfaith amongst community in school because of malpractices and irregularities in school and dominance of teachers. Initially we had to face opposition of teachers but later this opposition had been diluted due to community pressure. Finally we concentrated on reinforcement of SDMC formation process and regular meetings. Due to consistent efforts, after approximate over the period of 1 year SDMC became more vibrant and overtook development and management in their hand. We have adopted cluster approach for this activity which was focused at 1 school between 5 to 6 satellite schools and flow effect to others to create evidence by maximum utilization of resources.
Strengthening PTA: – As SDMC, PTA also has important stake for school environment, enrolment and retention of children in school. Likewise SDMC, GSS had followed same process for PTA strengthening. Being quite larger group affect is low in comparison with SDMC. But in villages PTA s are quite more strengthen and assisting SDMCs for school develop and management through sharing and suggesting. Even PTA members’ visits in schools have increased also some villages PTA are starting maintaining visit registers in school.
Bhasha-se-Bhasha ki or ( a program for slow learners in schools):- GSS has organized special classes for weak children and slow learners for objective to enhance learning level of children as well realization of child friendly teaching amongst community and teachers.
Training of government teachers on discipline and positive discrimination: – GSS has organized training of government school teachers on discipline and positive discrimination. Objective of the training was to make the teachers oriented and sensitive on working with children during classroom practices. Punishment to maintain discipline in school and discrimination during sitting arrangements, Mid Day Meal and other school level courses leads to dropout of children. However schools are quite more unsafe for children in respect of physical punishment and gender, cast discrimination. Even children, teachers and parents do accept corporal punishment as means for betterment of children. As result corporal punishment is reduced and cast and gender based discrimination diluted in project schools. Even during observation of national children’s day teachers, children and SDMC members have set sticks into fire in villages.
VDC meetings on education: As a mark in expanding the role of VDCs from NRM to other aspects of village development the problem faced by the staff in checking irregularity of girls in schools were brought up in front of VDCs of their respective villages. Problems faced in villages relating to irregularity and not joining of girls to school, site selection for schools and formation of disciplinary committee were all discussed in the VDC meeting. 4 villages the VDC met to discuss problems faced in running schools. The VDC members extended their support and also helped the workers in site selection for schools and in communicating with the parents.
Life skill Education: In a move towards educating adolescent girls on various aspects of growing up. Trainings with adolescent girls were organized, these girls as part of peer educating shared their learning’s with other adolescent girls in their schools and villages. The training was conducted on the topics of education included
- Need and importance of life skill education for adolescence
- Physical and psychological changes in adolescence
- Self and surroundings-an understanding with social, cultural and emotional aspect.
- Problems of adolescent age with reference to relationship, marriage, etc.
- Gender and sexuality.
- Importance of nutritional and complete diet
- Reproductive health
School Library:
GSS has established 6 school libraries in government schools of Pai, Udaipur and Gondpur, Alwar.
Resource Centre
GSS finalized venue for Resource centre in January 2016 in the compound of school. 20 students are attending the resources center and teachers committed to provide remaining list of slow learner students after to complete the annual examination in the school. Resources center’s soft activities for the students are decided like drawing, computer education. Some soft activities carried out in the resources center with students in April. Student of Resources center and SMC committee member understands about CANON and objective of project.